Studio Pacific celebrates significant staff anniversaries

A massive thank you and congratulations to Juana Bellido and Stuart Dun who both celebrate significant anniversaries with Studio Pacific.

Juana celebrates 15 years with Studio Pacific this month. Juana has been incredibly valuable in keeping our Studio spaces tidy and enjoyable for our growing team and visitors over the past 15 years, and we particularly appreciate the high standards she upholds.

Congratulations to Stuart Dun who celebrates 10 years with Studio Pacific!
Stu joined Studio Pacific in 2012 and has contributed significantly to many of our Landscape, Masterplanning and Urban Design projects over the last decade. He plays a key role in leading our Landscape and Urban Design team and has contributed to many successful projects over the years including Peka Peka to Otaki, Tamaki Precinct Masterplan Ormiston Park, Spring Park, Home of Compassion and more recently, Sunfield, Hobsonville and Ladies Mile projects.

Stu's leadership and massive contributions over the last 10 years has seen Studio Pacific achieve success and growth in the Landscape and Urban Design portfolio in Aotearoa!

Congratulations again Juana and Stu!