Congratulations to Lindsay Griggs!

Studio Pacific is delighted to announce that Lindsay Griggs is now a Registered Architect with the New Zealand Registered Architects Board, in addition to her registration in the U.K.

Lindsay joined Studio Pacific Architecture earlier this year having previously worked on award-winning, large scale developments in the UK, and medium to smaller scale schemes here in New Zealand.

As a Registered Architect in the United Kingdom, Lindsay has demonstrated the skills, knowledge and qualifications to be mutually recognised as a Registered Architect here in New Zealand.

The new Mutual Recognition Agreement between Australia, the United Kingdom and New Zealand came into effect in May 2023. It has been designed to recognise the professional credentials of architects registered in the respective countries and to support their mobility by creating the opportunity to practise beyond their borders.

Ka pai, Lindsay! Congratulations on achieving registration in New Zealand.

Lindsay Griggs is now a Registered Architect in New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

Lindsay Griggs is now a Registered Architect in New Zealand and the United Kingdom.