Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Masterplan

  • urban design

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Tāhuna Queenstown


The Ladies Mile (Te Putahi) Corridor between Shotover River (Kimi-ākau) and Lake Hayes (Te Whaka-ata a Haki-te-kura) is an area of significance for many locals, often seen as a gateway into Queenstown. It is also an area of major strategic importance for Queenstown and the wider lakes district.

Expanding over 160ha and community at its core, the Masterplan seeks to increase liveability, wellbeing, and community cohesion for existing and future residents. A series of legible and distinctive neighbourhoods are characterised by an efficient transport and public network, providing connected neighbourhoods that have a strong sense of place and linkages to the wider landscape.

The Masterplan and Plan Variation was designed by Ladies Mile Consortium (LMC) who were appointed by Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC). The LMC comprises a highly experienced, respected, and passionate team of professionals that have worked on and delivered some of the largest and most comprehensive masterplan and RMA processes in New Zealand. The team consists of Candor3, Studio Pacific Architecture and Brown & Company Planning.­