Peggy Russell

BAS, MArch (Prof)

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Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington

Peggy is a registered architect in New Zealand with over 10 years of experience.

Peggy joined Studio Pacific in 2013 after completing her Master’s degree at Victoria University of Wellington. She believes that good design can positively influence people’s lives, enhancing connectivity and helping to strengthen a sense of community.

Peggy’s practice focuses on medium-density housing across a range of typologies and scales, from large masterplans to smaller superlot developments. She also has experience in complex residential renovations and the urban design of public open spaces.

Peggy enjoys projects that integrate masterplanning, urban design, architecture, and landscape architecture. Recently, she has worked as the project architect on multiple social housing projects for Kāinga Ora, as part of the Eastern Porirua Regeneration, involving masterplanning, urban design, architecture, and landscape architecture.

Peggy demonstrates the ability to build strong collaborative relationships with project team members, from clients to consultants, and believes good communication is foundational to the delivery of a successful project.

Qualifications and affiliations

  • Masters of Architecture (Professional), Victoria University of Wellington, 2013
  • Bachelor of Architectural Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, 2011
  • New Zealand Registered Architect
  • Certified Mental Health First Aider


  • Architecture
  • Urban Design